Sunday, December 7, 2008

Christmas has finally arrived at our house!
It seems like it has taken forever to get time that the whole family was home and had time to decorate the tree. Well, tonight we found the time! I love watching the kids find all the ornaments they have made in school over the years and put them on the tree. The pictures are so cute and its crazy how fast they grow and how much they change from year to year. Jessica and Sydney have been bugging me to get more up to date ornaments. I agree there are some really cute ones out there but I love ours to much. When the kids were all little we made them. This was no small undertaking as anyone who has done so will agree. But, worth it. Jim cut out a ton of big wood stars and the kids and I sanded and painted them all. We hung them with plaid material and we made wreaths with cranberries and apple slices dipped in cinnamon. I remember how fun it was to do this with the kids and isn't that a big part of Christmas? Making Memories. So, I cant seem to move on to the new decorations...not yet.

Funny how a picture says so much, like yes, we are the sweet children who never give my parents any problems. Or, it could say something like ....Oh YA...we are the smart alec's and are so funny... and my Mom loves me so much that she would never put this picture on her blog. hehe.

I'm so excited to have our tree and decorations up finally!

    Decorating is an exhausting job and listening to the tabernacle choir sing on the christmas program was just what Rylee and I needed! Ok, the real story is that we had the 1st Presidency Christmas program on and at the end they sang silent night and yes I was falling asleep and Rylee came up to me and put her face right up to mine and asked "Are you closing your eyes so you can think about Heavenly Father?" .....Um.. "yes" I answered. So, she climbed up and joined me for the rest of the song. Jessica caught the picture and I'm glad she did.

Jessica, Sydney and I all went to see the Twilight movie at midnight opening night. We even made shirts. Yes, we were a Little excited! Jessica went with a group of friends and Sydney and I went with Elisha and Kiley. It was really fun and a little crazy! I LOVED the books and I have decided I need to see the movie again. Why? Well because seeing the movie with all the die-hard fans shouting out in the middle of scenes and my lack of sleep didn't add up to a good combination. SLOW down twilight fans....I Liked the movie ...sort of ....just not as much as I would have it I could have just digested it my self with out knowing everyone eleses thoughts. Ya. Thats what I think.

All in all it was a great night with friends!

Our T-shirts - We have two team Jacobs!! And
one team Edward in our family.

I think Elisha and I have had our share of "What the HECK were we thinking" moments spent together! While watching the crowd, that thought did cross my was one of those so crazy that its fun nights! You know... like lining up at midnight for black Friday shopping! Which by the way Elisha do together also. And we like it!

Sydney and Kiley were troopers! They were so excited and it was a fun night with them. This is officially Sydneys favorite movie of all time! i wasn't quite that enthusiastic, I'm stick with Gone with the Wind as my all time fav!

The Theater was crowded but still had enough room that the girls could make a bed while waiting and waiting for it to start.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Who needs Turkey when you can have ELK!

Jim had his Elk hunt this week-end and, despite a little trouble getting out of town...He got up there and got the job done! Check out this bad boy. Good Job Babe!

Jim, Sami and Molly all had tags and so they all went up together. WITH their husbands of course. What is wrong with this picture? Yep that's right, I was left at home. No, it was not fair, yes I am a little jealous, and no it will not happen next year. But, it sounded like they all had a great time and I'm glad Jim was able to take some time off to go play! He works like crazy so, it's good for him to get to have a little down time once in a while!

Umm....I don't think I want to know.

And MOLLY...You did AWESOME! Look at this beauty. I think your elk is bigger than Jim's! Wait...maybe there about the same size...ya, they look a lot the fact, A LOT the same. I swear they could be twins. Do Elk's have twins? Humm.

P.S. Yes, Jim did get to pick the playlist for this post. If You love it as much as I do be sure to come back Saturday. It's his Birthday and I told him he could pick all the murder music he wanted for that day. He was thrilled! (of course he doesn't know the pictures I have pulled out and will be sharing for his special day. hehe.)

Thursday, November 13, 2008


This sweet little thing has now turned


It is hard to grasp that Jessica is 16 today! She has been waiting to turn 16 since she was three years old. Not kidding - she really has. she told me when she was three that was what she wanted in life was to be "grown-up" "like sixteen". Well, she is finally there!

I will try not to get to mushy and personal and embarrass her on her birthday but, a few things must be said. I find my self, more often than not, looking at Jessica and wondering how she turned out to be so amazing. As much as I would love to take credit...I think she was just sent to me that way. She is so good. She trys hard at everything she does. She has a clear vision of right and wrong and chooses the right. I am so proud to be her Mom and so thankful. I am so blessed to have the relationship I do with her. I love you Sweed! (i know it getting mushy) Happy Sweet 16!

I asked Jessica for a list of her 16 favorite things

Here they are in NO certain order:

Utah for the Fourth of July

All her favorite people sitting around the campfire.

Putting outfits together in her head.

listening to Rylee's "adult" conversations.

Settling down with a good mystery book.(Nancy Drew)

Going to the movies with Janie

dancing / singing in the rain.

eating cake batter

old black and white movies

Gossip Girl

a good color scheme of eyeshadow

Hunting and Quad ridding

The Races

Conference Camping

and ....drum roll please.....


A little Stroll through the Past...

Sassy Pants

The center of attention

OH YA.... she did.

And Sweed here are a few of our favorite memories just for you .... Poor little girl, got's no vest -YOU'RE NOT WATCHING ME!!- The MUDDY quad war - You, come here-what's on your face!!?? - NERTZ - Girls Camp - the Scarlett costume - OLD movies - 4th of July Dancing in the street- WHO'S EVERYBODY?! - and you just walk by and they just HOOK you!!! - Q.T.- and my most recent fav. -HAHAHAHA..... wait...what?

A few Pic.'s from the past...Kindergarten Graduation to 8TH Grade!

Yep... this little one is now 16!!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

He did it. While last night may not have brought the outcome I had wished for I am still happy and grateful. I am happy that it is over! I am happy that we can move forward now instead of feeling like nothing is being done, in any means, to help anything. I am so grateful that my children were able to witness history being made. They were excited to vote at school and we all watched as the results came in. I am happy that we were all OK with the outcome even though it was not what we wanted and that we all can appreciate it's significance. I'm happy that we live in a nation where we can have our voice heard even though we may not agree with what each other say.
I liked the picture above because it sums up my feelings. I truly hope he will do as good of a job as everyone believes he will and I hope he will bring change because change is good and we need it! I loved his speech last night. It is easy to get caught up in the moment when he speaks. I loved seeing his family with him. I HOPE he will lead this country in the direction that is best for all of us.

Why I am MOST happy today: Prop. 102, Prop. 8 and Prop. 2 All passed! I know California had a huge fight on their hands and I really didn't think they could pull it off. (i know-no faith, but come on ... it's Cali.) I have blog-surfed (mostly through The Williams blog) and have really been touched / saddened/shocked by what the families in California have gone through. The time, prayers and fasting they have all put in. The courage to do as their leader asked and demonstrate their support by holding signs with their whole family by their side. The name calling, finger flipping, coin throwing they had to put up with. I feel for these families. It was not the same fight here. We talked about it. We prayed for it. We put a sign in our yard. Jessica wore a sticker to school. (she was the only one threatened which we just laughed off. ) To all of you in Cali. my hat is off! You made all the difference! You did it!!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Happy Halloween

We met friends and family at the park for our annual dinner and trick or treating. We had a great time and the kids had fun playing ball, ridding bikes and running around. It was also Jessica's Homecoming game that night so she took off with friends and went to that. Here are the costume's for this year -

Kole went as a SWAT guy but wouldn't hold still long enough to get a good picture of just him so here's the best one.
Sydney went as a fairy. We found this really cool make-up stuff it looked like snowflakes.

Rylee went as Cinderella

And , Jessica (dressed up for our ward party) and Tressa went as Blair and Serena from Gossip Girl!

Trick or Treat

The Merrills and the Millers joined us for dinner at the park and brought along with them...
another Cinderella....

A very cute pirate.....

And, yes the republican and democratic nominees for the presidency.
McCain and Obama

You'll be happy to know there was no mud slinging done by either party.

These costumes were the best! My pictures don't do them justice. They had suites, ties and even their briefcase, which was adorned with their parties symbol (in sequin). Hands down winner of the night and probably for years to come! Good Job Amy!!

Everyone together! Recap left right: Cinderella, Cinderella, Pirate, Swatt, Highschooler on her way to her homecoming game (for real), Jack from nightmare before Christmas, McCain & Obama. (oh, and Amy and Tony:) )

Halloween Party

Our Halloween started out with a party at Rylees preschool. We got to see her costume parade and they did a couple of songs and a story for us. It was darling! The different personalities crack me up! I only had one school party today and I have to say it was a little bitter-sweet. I admit it was crazy a few years ago trying to do four but it is a little sad only having one. The five little pumpkin song
Mean old witch song

What a ham!

Thursday, October 30, 2008


Here it is, our masterpiece. (just don't look to close) We carved our pumpkin tonight - finally. In the past we have carved four pumpkins - each one gets their own - which is really fun and looks beautiful all along the porch...but, somehow I always ended up finishing all four. Well, this year we (I) decided to just do one. Everyone had to help and everyone had to agree how to carve it. Of course this could end up being difficult but...guess what? It wasn't! They all agreed, more time...They all agreed ...on what to carve and they all helped and they all had a good time. Really, I have the pictures to prove it! Now for those of you wondering why we would wait until the day before Halloween to carve our pumpkin - well, you must not live in Arizona. You see when you cut and carve a pumpkin and leave it on your porch for a few days in ninty plus degree is not a fun smell. The heat is not the Jack-O-Lantern's friend. But, on a good note, our kids can wear their costumes trick or treating with out their coats covering them up!

Pumpkin Carving