Saturday, January 17, 2009

What goes up...

I have decided that most my post about Kole will be regarding his injuries. I'm also pretty sure that I have been blessed with only one boy because my heart can only handle a certain amount of injuries to my children and my boy happens to have more then his fair share.
Santa brought Kole a Rip-Stick for Christmas.( What he was thinking I do not know and will be giving him a call.) This is like a skateboard only split in half and with only 2 wheels, that turn and each side of the skate board also moves from side to side. I'm impressed he can even stand on it let alone ride it. (which he does pretty well.) But, He has had his share of spills in the last two weeks. None as good as on Monday. He was out front alone - I just started being OK with this. I'm on the computer, the girls are in their room with music on, the T.V.'s on and I hear screaming. It's a little muffled so, I wait as any good mother would to see if it is "your bugging me" or "ouch that hurt but I'm perfectly fine" or "I'M REALLY HURT" screaming. Then I hear it again. I get up to go see and the screaming continues and then I realize it's KOLE. I start to connect...Kole....Outside...Stupid Rip on ..... I run out the front door and see him down the street, laying in the STREET, in front or our neighbors house. I run to him and he continues to SCREAM. It's funny to me what can run through your head in the few seconds it takes you to get to you injured kid. Like - this sounds like an ER trip - where are my shoes - please don't let it be his right arm AGAIN - where do the girls have to be tonight and who can I call to get them there - do I have something easy they can make for dinner while we're at the hospital - How far do I think I can throw that stupid Rip Stick - PLEASE don't let it be his right arm - He's never had sti___ oh, don't think'll JINX it! - PLEASE DON'T LET IT BE HIS RIGHT ARM!! - So, I get to him (still screaming) and survey the damage. Right arm - OK!!! yes! Left Arm - Bleeding, pretty good but not deep - check. OK, Buddy you have to stop screaming. Ok, screaming stopped - check. Head- good bump - road rash - not bleeding but bruised - keep eye on that. Nose - bleeding but only a little - check. Leg's -easy to check caz he's wearing shorts:) great! ok, not so bad road rash, a little blood not so bad. He's holding his hip and can't stand. Not good. A little road rash but not to bad but he still cant walk. So, we finally get him up and into a chair, in front of our neighbors because he's not walking and he's looking really pale, the girls help with ice and water and then all our neighbors start coming home. I't was very funny because they all came home with-in two min. of each other and all came to help. They are awesome neighbor's. We finally helped him in the house and got him all Ice-packed up and checked him out. NOTHING was broken!! EXCELLENT! So, I asked him how it happened and he retells the event - I was skating and pushing my self with the stick and I just went flying off - The funniest was him telling me this - "It hurt so bad on my hip and I couldn't move and I just started screaming for you (not the funny part) and I could hear my self screaming and I was screaming like a girl! and I just kept thinking - I'm screaming like a girl -but i couldn't stop!"
I am just glad he's ok and that he hasn't been back on the rip stick this week. There is never a dull moment with him. I have a feeling my heart is due for many more of these experiences.

Happy New Year!

So.. life is on it's way to getting back to normal or at least what's normal around here. We had a wonderful Holiday Season and as always wish it could last longer. I love having the kids home and it is always hard to have them go back to school. Jim was able to work his schedule to be around home more than normal and we all LOVED that! It is a treat to all be together even if we're just hanging out. Actually just hanging out is probably the best thing. We have enjoyed it but, there is some joy in getting back into a routine i guess. Now that I can be a little more organized I hope to keep my blog up to date a little, ok a lot better! The key word is HOPE!