Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes

When in need of a good laugh I can always count on Rylee.
Today she gave me a few.
You can't deny we are a product of our surroundings. In her case that would be a mechanic Dad and a teen and near teen sister.
1. I dropped her off at Preschool and stood at the door talking to Miss GALinda for about 10 min.. Rylee came back to to door to gave me a hug and said BYE mom, (in her best you can go, your cramping my style voice) and then she turned and looked at the surburban. I had left my door open and left the car running. She looked up at me straight faced and said "Don't let the engine over heat." It took a second to digest and then of course Linda and I cracked up. ugh....only a mechanics daughter. ha.
2. After preschool Jessica, Rylee and I are on our way to pick up Kole and Sydney. Conversation went something like this:
Rylee: I have a boy named Landon in my class
Me: Really?
Rylee: Ya. Jane is really into him.
Me and Jessica: What?
Rylee: Jane is really into him and Landon is really into Jane.
Me: hahaha
Rylee: Puts her hand on her head and shakes her head back and forth.
Jessica: (after pulling herself together) What do you mean - into each other?
Rylee: I MEAN their INTO each other and their going to be married!
Me: HAHAHhahah
3. Mom: Kole are you in the bath?! (he has his cast on)
Rylee: NO! Hes not, he's waiting for it to fill up. He's going to overflow it. (a true concern)
Kole: No I'm not, I didnt even start it yet.
Rylee: I'll go check!
she does and reports back to me, hand on hip and head bobbing
Seriously, she cracks me up. where does all this come from?

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ok, I dont know how I got these posted backwards but, I did. Just start at the bottom and work you way up. I'm still a work in progress!
Some others that I loved were:
Pres. Uchtdorf about Hope
Pres. Eyring about Unity
Elder Bednar about Prayer
If you want to read them you can find them HERE.
Because I have two in Young Women's now, Sis Dalton's talk really meant a lot to me. She spoke about a "return to virtue" and our youth are being desensitised into believing that high moral standards are old fashioned. She reminded them never to underestimate their power as a righteous example. She challenged them to unfurl a banner to the world. Our Stake President spoke to our youth a little over a year ago and compared Capt. Moroni's banner to the example our youth are today. He told them they are different and to hold there standards high like Moroni's banner for all to see what they stand for. Sis. Dalton's talk reminded me of that.

I am so thankful for the great girls I have and for the example they give to others. I am thankful that they are not ashamed for who they are and what they stand for. I am blessed.

Armed and ready to conquer!

Talks I Loved

One of my favorite talks was by President Monson. It was about enjoying the journey. He reminded us not to let the important thing pass us by. To show our love today. To enjoy our children and make memories that will last forever. To Be grateful for the abundance in our life and fill our days with what matters most. And quoted Prof. Hill from The Music Man - "You pile up enough tomorrows and you'll find you've collected a lot of empty yesterdays. "

I hope that I can keep focused on what matters most and help my family enjoy the journey. Here are some shot's of them enjoying it so far:)

Rylee especially loved the homestead. You see, apparently she use to work there. Her and a bunch of other girls. They use to make dresses and clothes and whatever else they were told to do.

The first visit Rylee had there, she walked in and said oh ya, I know this place, I use to work here. She then went on to tell us in detail of her job, the girls she worked with and showed us where their rooms were and the shower that they would use at the end of the day. It was Hilarious to listen to her. It just rolled off her tongue and kept us all entertained all weekend. Rylee has NEVER been a story teller so it was pretty amusing - and a little creepy when she walked straight to the shower which no one could even tell was a shower until some one pointed out the piping through the walls. It was funny.

The Bed and Breakfast

About seven years ago we came up here and camped for Thanksgiving. We came across this OLD homestead site and loved exploring it. We got to revisit it on this trip. I love it and decided seven years ago it would be the perfect Bed and Breakfast. OK. so the walls are coming down and there are no windows oh, and a little of the roof has caved in but, nothing worth having ever came without a lot of hard work.

Conference Camping

On Oct. 2nd we headed to the hills for our semi-annual Conference Camping trip!

We have a great group of friends who we have been going camping with for conference for the past six or seven years. We have a T.V. and satellite and set it up and all of us get to watch conference up it the pines. It is one of our families favorite things to do. This conference was wonderful and I loved all of the speakers! I don't know if I could pick a favorite. With the sense of panic that is going on in our nation right now it was comforting to hear the words the leaders of our church had for us. It was not doom and gloom and helped to "re-focus" my line of site. Below are some of the talks that touched me most. When we are not watching we are all having a great time doing the camping , quad ridding, card playing , shooting, just goofing around kind of thing! It was a wonderful break! Thanks to all of you who make it possible and for making it such a great time. These are the best kind of memories for our kids! (and us)

P.S. An apology to any of those who are still recovering from the BOOM caused by my other
half! You have to admit he keeps it exciting! :)

Oh, we even added snake hunting to our list of thing's to do! Kole shot this - twice- What a shot!