When in need of a good laugh I can always count on Rylee.
Today she gave me a few.
You can't deny we are a product of our surroundings. In her case that would be a mechanic Dad and a teen and near teen sister.
1. I dropped her off at Preschool and stood at the door talking to Miss GALinda for about 10 min.. Rylee came back to to door to gave me a hug and said BYE mom, (in her best you can go, your cramping my style voice) and then she turned and looked at the surburban. I had left my door open and left the car running. She looked up at me straight faced and said "Don't let the engine over heat." It took a second to digest and then of course Linda and I cracked up. ugh....only a mechanics daughter. ha.
2. After preschool Jessica, Rylee and I are on our way to pick up Kole and Sydney. Conversation went something like this:
Rylee: I have a boy named Landon in my class
Me: Really?
Rylee: Ya. Jane is really into him.
Me and Jessica: What?
Rylee: Jane is really into him and Landon is really into Jane.
Me: hahaha
Rylee: Puts her hand on her head and shakes her head back and forth.
Jessica: (after pulling herself together) What do you mean - into each other?
Rylee: I MEAN their INTO each other and their going to be married!
Me: HAHAHhahah
3. Mom: Kole are you in the bath?! (he has his cast on)
Rylee: NO! Hes not, he's waiting for it to fill up. He's going to overflow it. (a true concern)
Kole: No I'm not, I didnt even start it yet.
Rylee: I'll go check!
she does and reports back to me, hand on hip and head bobbing
Seriously, she cracks me up. where does all this come from?