Thursday, April 16, 2009

Go Flames!

Last Saturday was the last tournament game this season for Sydney. It has been so fun to watch her and her team learn and grow. They did so Awesome on Saturday. They really hit their groove and They won all of their games!! Six games, one day, all won! They took first at the tournament and you could tell how excited and proud they were! I over heard the coach saying how good they were doing and they were still so young and haven't gotten the "killer" spirit yet. It's so true. They have fun out there and they are a REALLY nice group of girls. But....I think the feel of winning 1st may have wet their appetite for more and ignited a little of that spirit that is sure to come....hopefully on May 2nd when they play regional's!
The Flames - how cute are they!

California here they come!

Two weeks ago, these guys...

including this cute girl..

headed out on the bus...

stopping at this ruby's diner..

and then at this hotel for a good night sleep(haha)
so they could go meet...

this guy... who made them laugh.

and ride this ride, which....

did NOT!
(well really it did but, the picture fit so..)

Then, they left to go get beautiful and SING (the real
reason for the trip) at the Heritage Festival!

Then they got to come back here...

for the night and the WHOLE
next day! They got awards the next night at
Disneyland. They took Third!! AWESOME JOB!
And then they headed home at midnight on the bus. (yeck)
She had a great time! What an Awesome weekend.

Monday, April 13, 2009


We had a beautiful Easter. Amy and the girls joined us for church and after we came back to our house for Easter baskets and an egg hunt! It was so fun to have them join us. Then later we had everyone over for dinner and just to hang out. It was a great day and everyone had a good night sleep after the sugar rush wore off!

This face sums up the day!


On Easter all I wanted was a picture of my kids together. smiling. is this to much to ask for?

I guess after an Easter basket and a few dozen eggs full of candy is.

So, I decided to go ahead and post some of the pictures they took even with out just a smile. maybe they'll learn. I doubt it. Hope you get as big of a laugh as I did at some of these! Ya those are mine.

the flower is actually in Rylees hair :)

What a bunch of toads. One normal picture. oh well...where's the fun in normal right? but, for all of you with kids my kids age....feel free to share these:) ya....i think i may get the picture I want next time.