Sunday, December 7, 2008

I'm so excited to have our tree and decorations up finally!

    Decorating is an exhausting job and listening to the tabernacle choir sing on the christmas program was just what Rylee and I needed! Ok, the real story is that we had the 1st Presidency Christmas program on and at the end they sang silent night and yes I was falling asleep and Rylee came up to me and put her face right up to mine and asked "Are you closing your eyes so you can think about Heavenly Father?" .....Um.. "yes" I answered. So, she climbed up and joined me for the rest of the song. Jessica caught the picture and I'm glad she did.


Linda Bennett said...

That is the sweetest picture I've ever seen. No wonder I love her so much.

Bek and Rach said...

You are so disrespectful. I can't believe you fell asleep during the devotionanal...I would never do that:)