Wednesday, November 5, 2008

He did it. While last night may not have brought the outcome I had wished for I am still happy and grateful. I am happy that it is over! I am happy that we can move forward now instead of feeling like nothing is being done, in any means, to help anything. I am so grateful that my children were able to witness history being made. They were excited to vote at school and we all watched as the results came in. I am happy that we were all OK with the outcome even though it was not what we wanted and that we all can appreciate it's significance. I'm happy that we live in a nation where we can have our voice heard even though we may not agree with what each other say.
I liked the picture above because it sums up my feelings. I truly hope he will do as good of a job as everyone believes he will and I hope he will bring change because change is good and we need it! I loved his speech last night. It is easy to get caught up in the moment when he speaks. I loved seeing his family with him. I HOPE he will lead this country in the direction that is best for all of us.

Why I am MOST happy today: Prop. 102, Prop. 8 and Prop. 2 All passed! I know California had a huge fight on their hands and I really didn't think they could pull it off. (i know-no faith, but come on ... it's Cali.) I have blog-surfed (mostly through The Williams blog) and have really been touched / saddened/shocked by what the families in California have gone through. The time, prayers and fasting they have all put in. The courage to do as their leader asked and demonstrate their support by holding signs with their whole family by their side. The name calling, finger flipping, coin throwing they had to put up with. I feel for these families. It was not the same fight here. We talked about it. We prayed for it. We put a sign in our yard. Jessica wore a sticker to school. (she was the only one threatened which we just laughed off. ) To all of you in Cali. my hat is off! You made all the difference! You did it!!!


Toni said...

Excellent post. I'm right there with ya!

Tara said...

Dido to everything you said. We will have hope and remember there is One who is in charge of everything, and that is who we need to have faith in. Thanks for the thoughts.

mrs. timberlake said...

"And to those Americans whose support I have yet to earn, I may not have won your vote tonight, but I hear your voices, I need your help and I will be your president too.” - Barack Obama

He was speaking to me when he said this, just so you know.