Friday, January 2, 2009


Well, We took Sydney out to ride and The McMurdies invited us to come and go on a Hay ride and Carolling. You didn't need to ask me twice! I was so excited!! oh, ya the kids wanted to go to.
But, of course it had to choose this night to rain. However, that did not stop the fun. Sydney rode until it was raining to hard and she had to quit. Then we went to the house where my kids were fed and we got to have some wonderful home made bread and then got to enjoy hot chocolate and good company! Thank You to the McMurdies and the Weathersbys (sorry for the spelling!) We had such a fun night!!
The Rain did not stop these guys from having fun.

Or these two little ones. Rylee kept begging to go carolling and we kept telling we cant - it raining. So, she come up soaking wet and is all ... what? no, it's not. it's not even wet out there! nice try baby!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

That was a fun night. Next year we'll actually go on our hayride and sing a few carols :) Glad you guys were there.