Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Out of the mouth of babes

When in need of a good laugh I can always count on Rylee.
Today she gave me a few.
You can't deny we are a product of our surroundings. In her case that would be a mechanic Dad and a teen and near teen sister.
1. I dropped her off at Preschool and stood at the door talking to Miss GALinda for about 10 min.. Rylee came back to to door to gave me a hug and said BYE mom, (in her best you can go, your cramping my style voice) and then she turned and looked at the surburban. I had left my door open and left the car running. She looked up at me straight faced and said "Don't let the engine over heat." It took a second to digest and then of course Linda and I cracked up. ugh....only a mechanics daughter. ha.
2. After preschool Jessica, Rylee and I are on our way to pick up Kole and Sydney. Conversation went something like this:
Rylee: I have a boy named Landon in my class
Me: Really?
Rylee: Ya. Jane is really into him.
Me and Jessica: What?
Rylee: Jane is really into him and Landon is really into Jane.
Me: hahaha
Rylee: Puts her hand on her head and shakes her head back and forth.
Jessica: (after pulling herself together) What do you mean - into each other?
Rylee: I MEAN their INTO each other and their going to be married!
Me: HAHAHhahah
3. Mom: Kole are you in the bath?! (he has his cast on)
Rylee: NO! Hes not, he's waiting for it to fill up. He's going to overflow it. (a true concern)
Kole: No I'm not, I didnt even start it yet.
Rylee: I'll go check!
she does and reports back to me, hand on hip and head bobbing
Seriously, she cracks me up. where does all this come from?


mrowe said...

Your kids are almost as adorable as my own...almost. ;)

I love you guys. ~Matt

mrs. timberlake said...

I can't wait for CONVERSATIONS with the little lambs.....

Linda Bennett said...

She is a crack up. And by the way, the Ga is silent!

This comment has been removed by the author.

Thanks I told you I would update it!! It looks good!! I love the stuff Rylee says she is so cute!!!!

Melynda King said...

I saw you made a comment on the Bennett's blog so I clicked on it. Your kids have grown so much, they are beautiful! I wanted to talk to you the other night at the Golden WHEEL meeting but after I had finished taking care of a few things you were already gone. Sorry about that. We will have to catch up at the next meeting. Our family blog is Also, I see that Amy and Tony have a blog, but you have to be invited. Tell her next time you talk to her that I want to be invited! Thx. Take Care, Melynda King

Toni said...

Out of the mouths of babes! Glad you found me. I'm adding you to my friends list. :)

mrowe said...

A tie? Winners all around :)

Hey I need your email address. Your profile doesn't have it.

I know Mike & Rachel are your favorites, but are you really going to leave me out in the cold?

Mine are...

Love you,
give our love your family.

Unknown said...

So Rylee and Cam or Audrey are cut from the same mold. Alittle different conversation but all in all we know whose boss.

Me and Mr. P... said...

I love this kid!!! She always makes us laugh and as long as I live I don't think anyone will EVER hold a candle to her facial expressions!!!